Monday, January 10, 2011

Shelter needs your old towels, blankets to keep animals warm during cold snap

from Kathryn Sharp, TLAC Rescue Coordinator
1156 W. Cesar Chavez
Austin, Tx 78703

According to the news today, we may be looking at a cold snap of weather next week. And this one is expected to last several days. This means TLAC will be going through piles and piles of laundry and blankets (they have to be washed daily). It's a challenge to keep up with it all-even with our industrial sized washer and dryer, the laundry piles up fast. Because of this, a surplus of blankets, beds, etc will be needed to keep the animals warm. What works best? Well, twin sized fat blankets work great, big FAT FLUFFY towels and small to medium sized warm comfy beds they can snuggle into are great! The really big beds won't fit inside our kennels. We can also use doggie SWEATERS!!! All sizes are needed to keep the pooches as warm as possible.

Donations can be left in the yellow barrels (not the blue one!) in front of the Lost and Found offices, you can also take them inside the Davenport building-there should be a barrel next to the soda machine.

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