Top 10 reasons cats are for it (Paul Schaffer cue drum roll please):
- Your midday nap will not be interrupted by incessant, frenzied yapping sparked by the mail carrier's arrival. Or a squirrel in the yard. Or the wind blowing the tree leaves. Or absolutely nothing at all.
- Getting the couch all to yourself. Enough said.
- A respite from the tedious licking. (I mean, really…if they're going to lick, at least they could make themselves useful and groom something.)
- No sliding in the drool puddles left behind on the tile floor.
- No mile-wide water spills around the dog bowl.
- You'll finally get to eat your own food. All of it. No sharing.
- No "I get to go outside and you don't…nyah, nyah, nyah."
- A rare opportunity to use the dog bed as a scratching post. Or litterbox – it's your choice.
- Being spared the humiliation of the most base of all canine greetings: the infamous and oh-so-annoying Butt Sniff. How uncivilized.
- Finally, peace and quiet when nature calls, and no fear of some crazy canine with questionable culinary habits raiding the litterbox when you're finished.
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