Saturday, October 29, 2011

These "suits" can tell me what to do any day

The following interview with artist Heather Mattoon about her Cats in Clothes portraits is from:

Catster: So, cats in clothes. A good deal of people think these two things should be kept far apart from each other — what compels you to put them together?

Heather: I wanted to paint something that was interesting and made people smile and think. I have two cats and only once have I put something on the older one. It was a leg warmer of mine: I cut out two holes for her front legs and made her a little sweater. It was sad to see her become immobilized and disoriented!! But the imagery always stuck with me as hilarious.

Catster: Most of your cat paintings appear to have a backstory — is each cat based on a person you know, or do you concoct these histories yourself?

Heather: Once the cat comes together, I really just look at him/her and they tell me their story. It happens so fast and then I just stick with that, my first thoughts!

Catster: Do you use cats you know as a reference when you come up with faces/facial expressions?

Heather: I am often sent pictures of cats and come across photos online. I also live in a neighborhood that is ruled by kitties! So when I have a photo that captures the face just right for me, I use it.

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